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Dynamic number of jobs in a GitHub Action workflow

Recently I had the need to run a GitHub Action workflow job that would take well over the 6 hour execution time limit and needed to figure out how to break it up into multiple jobs. Out of that work emerged a handy pattern for setting up a workflow with a variable number jobs, each of which can be executed serially or in parallel.

Workflow Pattern

name: Run Dynamic Number of Jobs
        description: "Number of Jobs"
        required: true
        default: 10
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      job-strategy-matrix: ${{ steps.generate.outputs.job-strategy-matrix }}
      - id: generate
        run: |
          JOB_STRATEGY_MATRIX=$(node -e "let r=[]; for(let i = 1; i <= process.env.NUMBER_OF_JOBS; i++) { r.push(i) }; console.log(JSON.stringify(r));")
          echo "::set-output name=job-strategy-matrix::$JOB_STRATEGY_MATRIX"
          NUMBER_OF_JOBS: ${{ github.event.inputs.number_of_jobs }}
    needs: generate-job-strategy-matrix
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 360 # 6 hour timeout
        job: ${{ fromJson(needs.generate-job-strategy-matrix.outputs.job-strategy-matrix) }}
      max-parallel: 1 # Run jobs serially
      # max-parallel: ${{ github.event.inputs.number_of_jobs }} # Run jobs in parallel
      - run: echo "This is job number ${{ matrix.job }}"


The first job, generate-job-strategy-matrix, will run a simple script (using Node.js which is installed and available automatically) to generate an array string that looks like: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].

That string will be specified as an output named job-strategy-matrix so that it can be referenced by a subsequent job.

In the second defined job (named “job”), we will define a strategy matrix using the job-strategy-matrix output from the first job. For strategy matrices, you usually define a static array like [node-12, node-16] but using fromJson you can define a dynamic matrix.

Now, GitHub Actions will use [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] as the job matrix and run 10 jobs. These jobs will be run serially because of the max-parallel: 1 config. If you wanted to run all the jobs in parallel you change to max-parallel: ${{ github.event.inputs.number_of_jobs }}.

When you go to manually run this workflow, it will default to 10 jobs but you can change it.

Run workflow with variable number of jobs

When you run the workflow, it will execute 10 jobs and the job number will be available in the variable ${{ matrix.job }}.

Workflow execution

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