- Automatic installation of recommended VS Code Extensions
- Dealing with Burnout
- Syndication Fetcher
- Playing with SvelteKit and Cloudflare Pages
- Daily WTF JavaScript
- I switched to an iPhone
- Postgres Privilege Helper Queries
- Inline TypeScript with GitHub Actions
- Date / Time Cheatsheet for PostgreSQL
- Introducing jsh
- Dynamic number of jobs in a GitHub Action workflow
- How to Paste an Image Into a PDF With Preview on macOS
- Moving from Raspberry Pi to ODROID-N2+ for Home Assistant
- coloradoSprings.js Meetup Talk
- Presence Groups in Home Assistant
- 10 Years
- Tools I Use in 2020
- Looking Back on the Early Days
- Taking ASP.NET Core Blazer for Spin
- Playing with PostGraphile
- Database deadlocks
- Postgres composite types for tables
- Teaching Kids to Code
- COVID-19 Chart with D3.js
- Playing with MediaStream API
- WH-CH500 disconnecting on Catalina
- Updating My ASP.NET Core Template to .NET Core 3.1
- KotlinConf 2019
- Communicating Visually While Working Remotely
- GitHub Actions Version and Release to npm
- Austin Node.js Meetup Presentation
- Progressive Conversion of TypeScript Namespaces to Modules
- I found a use for a zero-width space
- Tools I Use in 2019
- Building Other Things
- Saying Goodbye to Jekyll
- Debugging TypeScript in VSCode
- A Fresh Look at TypeScript
- My External Display Setup
- Bank Alerts to YNAB
- My Windows 95 Story
- Vue.js template featuring TypeScript and Bulma
- CLI apps in TypeScript via ts-node
- Things I have learned working remotely for 3 years
- Making an app with my daughter
- TIL: psql with VS Code
- 10 Reasons to Blog
- TIL: Post to Slack from Jenkins with curl
- A Fresh Look at TypeScript / Lighting Talk
- Houston Tech Fest / Alexa Skill Presentation
- GitHub Universe 2017
- Introducing jBash
- Porting Cron Expression Descriptor to .NET Core
- Testing class-style Vue.js components with Mocha and TypeScript
- Koa / Vue.js SPA Template
- Updates to my ASP.NET Core / React SPA Template
- Running Heroku CLI from Heroku Scheduler
- The LATERAL join
- Using Google Assistant to Arm my House Alarm
- Easy HTTPS with Cloudflare
- My Phone Setup with Project Fi
- Opening Garage Doors with a Raspberry Pi
- Ansible Provisioning for my Raspberry Pi
- Alexa Skill Presentation
- ASP.NET Core / React SPA Template
- The Joel Test - Updated for Today
- Deep Work
- cRonstrue
- Development Tools I Use in 2016
- Desktop Wallpaper Slideshow
- dotfiles
- An Inside Look at Working for YNAB
- Converting WAV to MP3 for a Podcast
- Generating Date Ranges in SQLite
- Performance Tuning Queries in PostgreSQL
- Ansible Module for Modifying JSON
- Posting To Facebook with Rails
- Complexity Creep
- NuGet Downloads Badges
- Moving my Blog from WordPress to Jekyll
- Moving my Rails app to DigitalOcean with Ansible
- Understanding DNA
- Joining YNAB
- Google Calendar API from Ruby
- Share Razor Partial View between WebForms and MVC
- SQL Server Migrations Done Right
- My Free HDTV with DVR Setup
- Tech Talk: Elasticsearch
- Presentation: Using Technology Effectively in a Bible Study
- Conditional Serialization with Json.NET
- Run a program as another domain user in Windows
- ASP.NET Web Forms Model Binding
- Bento Budget
- cygwin+sshd+msysGit=happy
- Mount SD card in VirtualBox from Mac OS X Host
- Complex Types in Entity Framework (Code First)
- Tech Talk: Entity Framework
- Foot Pedal Facet
- ASP.NET MVC Deployments to Azure via GitHub
- NuGet Releases with Rake
- Hipsters
- The $5 Phone Dock with Universal Compatibility
- Austin Code Camp 2013
- vistaicm-server
- Keeping Up
- Simple Deploy Script for Rails
- Making the Switch from iOS to Andriod
- Unattended Audio Recordings with a Raspberry Pi
- My Free iPhone Setup with FreedomPop
- Rolling snapshots for EC2
- Nginx with ASP.NET Page Methods
- AutoMapper With DataTables
- Convert current Epoch time to Local time in SQL Server
- Efficient Client-side Caching of Dynamic Resource Handlers in ASP.NET
- My Free iPhone Setup
- Surveillance Camera
- Redirecting Old Pages with IIS 7 and the URL Rewrite Module
- jQuery googleslides
- Cron Expression Descriptor
- 301 Redirect When Changing WordPress Permalink Settings
- New Project: pedamorf
- Copy SQL Server Database with SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)
- Quick Setup Guide: Amazon EC2 LAMP server running Fedora 15
- Ruby on Rails in CentOS 5
- ESPN3 (WatchESPN) with Squid Proxy
- Compiled ffmpeg ready for HTML5 (CentOS 5)
- jQuery, Ajax and ASP.NET Web Server Controls
- My RSS Reading List
- iPhone Control of House Alarm and Garage Doors
- Web Deploy (MS Deploy) from TeamCity
- My PogoPlug Geek Toy
- How To Setup A Transparent Content Filtering Proxy
- I Hate Triggers
- How I Got Geeky (Part 3)
- Automatic TV Show Downloads
- My Development Toolbelt
- start-stop-daemon with mono-service2
- Remote Unattended MSI Installation with PsExec
- UPDATE table with JOIN
- Painless HTML5 Video in WordPress
- Text to Speech through Airtunes
- How to Setup a LAMP Server on Amazon EC2
- PicasaWebSync
- Migrating to Amazon EC2 (Web Services)
- How I Got Geeky (Part 2)
- How I Got Geeky (Part 1)
- WebResource.axd Throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException