Tidbits on software development, technology, and other geeky stuff

Rolling snapshots for EC2

One of the best things about EBS backed EC2 instances is the ability to create snapshots.  To say this makes backing up your instances “easy” would be an understatement.  You can create these snapshots manually through the AWS Management Console and also using the ec2-create-snapshot API command line tool.  The cost of these snapshots is just $0.125 per GB of data stored and incremental snapshots only store changed data so it’s really cheap to make lots of snapshots.

I wanted to be able to setup a daily cron job to automatically snapshot my EC2 instance so I wouldn’t have to worry about backups.  If I ever had a failure or data loss I could simply grab the automatically created snapshot from the previous day and restore it.  Running ec2-create-snapshop with cron is easy enough but there is a 500 count limit to snapshots and I really don’t want to keep hundreds of snapshots.  I really wanted to just keep a handful of ‘latest” snapshots.

Searching around I came cross a script that handled “rolling” snapshots which basically means it will create a snapshot and delete older ones to keep a specified number of latest snapshots.  This is exactly what I wanted.  The script I found was a bit outdated and needed some updates but I was able to make the needed changes fairly easily.  Here’s how you use it:


ec2-create-rolling-snapshot [OPTIONS] -d DESCRIPTION VOLUME MAX_SNAPSHOTS

Example (keeps 7 most recent snapshots):

ec2-create-rolling-snapshot -d "Daily backup-vol-fzz00z0z" vol-fzz00z0z 7

This script depends on, and assumes the Amazon EC2 API Tools are installed.  If you are running Amazon Linux these should already be installed.  You’ll need to ensure the following environment variables are set and available at runtime.  If you are running from cron, remember, you’ll need to set these manually in your crontab or a wrapper script as environment variables set in your shell are not available at cron runtime.

Here’s the script:


# Rolling snapshots for ec2
# Original version: 2010-05-28 by cwilper
# Updated: 2012-10-25 by brady@geekytidbits.com

# (Invoke with -h for more info)

showHelp() {
  echo "SYNOPSIS"
  echo "   ec2-create-rolling-snapshot [OPTIONS] -d DESCRIPTION VOLUME MAX_SNAPSHOTS"
  echo "   Create a snapshot of a volume and delete the oldest snapshot"
  echo "   in the series, if necessary."
  echo ""
  echo "   The VOLUME parameter is the name of an existing volume."
  echo ""
  echo "   The DESCRIPTION parameter specifies the description to use for the"
  echo "   new snapshot. All snapshots in a series will have the same description."
  echo ""
  echo "   The MAX_SNAPSHOTS parameter specifies the maximum number of snapshots"
  echo "   in the series. If creation of the new snapshot exceeds this threshold,"
  echo "   the oldest snapshot in the series will be deleted."
  echo ""
  echo "OPTIONS"
  echo "   Any option below may be passed a value of '-' to indicate that values"
  echo "   for that option should be read from stdin."
  echo ""
  echo "   -O, --aws-access-key KEY"
  echo "        AWS Access Key ID. Defaults to the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
  echo "        environment variable (if set)."
  echo ""
  echo "   -W, --aws-secret-key KEY"
  echo "        AWS Secret Access Key. Defaults to the value of the AWS_SECRET_KEY"
  echo "        environment variable (if set)."
  echo ""
  echo "   -T, --security-token TOKEN"
  echo "        AWS delegation token. Defaults to the value of the AWS_DELEGATION_TOKEN"
  echo "        environment variable (if set)."
  echo ""
  echo "   -U, --url URL"
  echo "        Specify URL as the web service URL to use. Defaults to the value of"
  echo "        'https://ec2.amazonaws.com' or to that of the EC2_URL environment"
  echo "        variable (if set). Overrides the default."
  echo ""
  echo "   --region REGION"
  echo "        Specify REGION as the web service region to use."
  echo "        This option will override the URL specified by the "-U URL" option"
  echo "        and EC2_URL environment variable."
  echo ""
  echo "   --dry-run"
  echo "        Don't create or delete any snapshots; just show what would be done."
  echo ""
  echo "   -?, --help"
  echo "        Display this help."
  echo ""
  echo "   --connection-timeout TIMEOUT"
  echo "        Specify a connection timeout TIMEOUT (in seconds)."
  echo ""
  echo "   --request-timeout TIMEOUT"
  echo "        Specify a request timeout TIMEOUT (in seconds)."
  echo ""

while [ "$1" != "" ]
  case $1 in
      exit 0;;
      exit 0;;
      exit 0;;
      gen_opts="$gen_opts $1";;

if [ -z "$description" ]; then
  echo "Required parameter 'DESCRIPTION' missing (-h for usage)"
  exit 1

if [ -z "$volume" ]; then
  echo "Required parameter 'VOLUME' missing (-h for usage)"
  exit 1

if [ -z "$max_snapshots" ]; then
  echo "Required parameter 'MAX_SNAPSHOTS' missing (-h for usage)"
  exit 1
  if [ $max_snapshots -lt 1 ]; then
    exit 1

if [ -z "$EC2_HOME" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: The EC2_HOME environment variable is not defined."
  exit 1

#if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY" ]; then
#  echo "ERROR: The AWS_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is not defined."
#  exit 1

#if [ -z "$AWS_SECRET_KEY" ]; then
#  echo "ERROR: The AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable is not defined."
#  exit 1


ec2cmd="$EC2_HOME/bin/ec2-create-snapshot$gen_opts -d \"$description\" $volume"
if [ -z "$dryrun" ]; then
  eval $ec2cmd > $tempfile
  result=`cat $tempfile`
  snapshot_id=`cat $tempfile|grep SNAPSHOT|awk '{print $2}'`
  snapshot_state=`cat $tempfile|grep SNAPSHOT|awk '{print $4}'`
  rm $tempfile
  if [ -z "$snapshot_id" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Snapshot creation failed"
    echo "$result"
    exit 1
  if [ "$snapshot_state" != "pending" ] && [ "$snapshot_state" != "completed" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Snapshot state is not pending or completed"
    echo "$result"
    exit 1
  echo "Created $snapshot_id from $volume"
  echo "Created snap-TBD from $volume (not really; this is a dry run)"

eval $ec2cmd > $tempfile
if [ $dryrun ]; then
    echo "SNAPSHOT snap-TBD $volume pending 9999-99-99T99:99:99+9999 1 $description" >> $tempfile
result=`cat $tempfile`
series=`cat $tempfile|grep SNAPSHOT|grep "$description"|grep $volume|awk '{print $5,$2}'|sort|awk '{print $2}'`
rm $tempfile
if [ -z "$series" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Failed to get snapshot series"
  echo "$result"
  exit 1

count=`echo "$series"|wc -l|awk '{print $1}'`
echo "Series now contains $count snapshots, max is $max_snapshots"
oldest=`echo "$series"|head -n 1|awk '{print $1}'`
if [ $count -gt $max_snapshots ]; then
  if [ -z "$dryrun" ]; then
    echo "Deleting $oldest"
    ec2cmd="$EC2_HOME/bin/ec2-delete-snapshot$gen_opts $oldest"
    eval $ec2cmd > $tempfile
    result=`cat $tempfile`
    check1=`cat $tempfile|awk '{print $1}'`
    check2=`cat $tempfile|awk '{print $2}'`
    rm $tempfile
    if [ "$check1" != "SNAPSHOT" ] || [ "$check2" != $oldest ]; then
      echo "ERROR: Unexpected output from ec2-delete-snapshot command"
      echo "$result"
      exit 1
    echo "Deleting $oldest (not really; this is a dry run)"

exit 0

For my own use, I wrapped this script in another script called from cron so I can set the needed environment variables and stop/start MySQL to ensure data integrity at time of snapshotting.


#Stop mysql to ensure snapshot consistancy
echo "Stopping mysql..."
/sbin/service mysqld stop
echo "Creating snapshot..."
export EC2_HOME=/opt/aws/apitools/ec2
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre
~/ec2-create-rolling-snapshot -d "Daily backup-vol-fac00d0d" vol-fac00d0d 7
echo "Waiting for snapshot to finish building..."
sleep 10
echo "Starting mysql..."
/sbin/service mysqld start

I’ve had this setup and running for about 2 months now and it works great. I love a hands-off approach to backing up my server and the piece of mind knowing that I can easily grab and restore a snapshot from last night (or 3 days ago) with a few clicks.

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