Tidbits on software development, technology, and other geeky stuff


Awhile back, I blogged about iPhone Control of House Alarm and Garage Doors, which was a combination of hardware and software that allowed me to control my home alarm system, including doing cool things like opening and closing my garage doors.

It’s been over 2 years since that post and in the meantime, I have completely rewritten the application that interfaces with the VISTA-ICM so that it is much simpler, provides more flexibility and is a more packaged solution so that others can easily use it themselves.  It was my first Node.js application and was a lot of fun to write.

Introducing vistaicm-server

screenshot **vistaicm-server** is a server app that works with the [VISTA-ICM][2] module to control VISTA (10/15/20/21/50/128/250) alarm panels. It provides a **clean web interface** and **event handling** through a hook architecture.

**To learn more and download, visit the project page on GitHub. **